Hola Familia y Amigos!
¿Que Tal? This week was good. Anderson got baptized. It was really great his whole family was there. I felt bad for him, the water was freezing. It took him 40 minutes to work up the courage to get dunked.
Right now we are preparing Maria for baptism and really working hard to find new people to teach. We haven't visited Ruben very much, he is really busy with work, which is sad because I really want to focus on Ruben.
I've been thinking about Peru lately and I think I found Five of the Basic things that make Peruvian culture. The 1st of which is Food. We take our food seriously here in Peru. They love to talk about food. Plus it is expected to eat homemade food, made from scratch every day. Every family has at least one Mom, Aunt or Grandma, that doesn't work. She stays home and spends the grand majority of the day going to the market to buy fresh grocers and then cooking for like 3 or 4 hours. (I'm not kidding.) Every day. So food here it's a big deal.
The 2nd thing that is really important here in Peru is Futbol, or Soccer. Everywhere, in every street every park, every parking lot there are Men young and old playing soccer. I hardly ever see kids playing in the streets with Toys or playing pretend, they are just playing soccer constantly. But the women here DO NOT play soccer. A girl playing soccer here is kind of like a girl playing FootBall in the States.
The 3rd thing that is huge here in Peru is Cheep Beer. Drinking, Drunks. Every weekend, every week day ha-ha. Its especially big with the men here. Which is one of the reasons it's hard to baptize Adult Men and keep them active.
The 4th thing that is really big in Peru is Catholicism. I've been on my mission for 8 months and I have only meet two people who didn't believe in God. The GRAND majority are catholic, but even those that aren't are heavily affected by Catholicism in their culture and their ideas of religion.
The 5th thing I think is big here is family. In one house you usually have the grandparents, maybe two of their kids, and then their kids . It's really normal to send kids to live with their Aunts or Uncles or cousins. Because we are in Lima a lot of families from provincia will save up their money just to send one of their kids to live with a Aunt or Uncle in Lima so they can have more opportunities to study.
So there you have it, My personal opinion of the 5 major things that make up a Peruvian culture here in Lima. I realize that maybe in other areas its different. Lima is like the New York City of Peru. And I know that you can't judge All of the USA based on New York. The culture and life of someone in New York City is way different then my life in Utah ha-ha, and I'm sure that's how it is here as well.
Anyhow that's just a little info about Peru.
Life here is good. This month the Letters Pool has been a little dry. You haven't all forgotten about me have you ha-ha.
Love you all.
Hermana Sadie Jean Taggart