Hola Amigos y Familia! Que tal!
All is well here in Peru. I know you are all dying to know if Hermana Lema or I got transferred.. . . . . . WE DIDNT!! I was so excited! We are the only companionship in our whole zone who didn't. I'm really happy because this week we have made great progress with Richard and Erika! We had a lesson with them yesterday where we finished off the commandments. We were just about to set a baptism date when her parents came over. They are bien Catholicos so the mood was a little awkward after that. But we have another lesson with them on Tuesday and I have faith everything will go well. Richard said the closing prayer and in it he thanked the Lord for the opportunities to learn more about his commandments so that they could prepare for baptism. His words not mine.
I have a really good feeling about April. I know that we have been given 6 more weeks here together for a reason. We just have to put our all into it to make sure we complete our purpose here.
Since the whole zone got changed up we have a bunch of new missionaries here. It was sad to see some of the Elders go. We lost three really funny Elders and got three really serious Elders. It's all good, they are all good guys. But I will miss the crazy doings of our old District.
Missions are interesting, the mission really has a culture to it, a different language and everything. It's funny how it becomes your life. When I used to go running in the mornings I would day dream about home, and about what life would be like after my mission, (I'm not trunky everyone does it ha-ha) but now it's harder and harder to think about life outside of the mission. When I day dream I am thinking about future lessons, future areas, future companions. My mission is taking over my mind!!
Like I said Missions come with a different language as well. I don't mean Spanish I mean mission talk. For example in our mission if a Girl in the ward, or an investigator is really flirty with the Elders she is called a Snake. Because she's trying to tempt the Elders. Trunky... I think everyone knows that one. That's when your mind is in our house and your want to pack your bags in our trunk and go.
Your sense of humor also gets heavily effected by your mission, You find yourself quoting scriptures to make jokes. . .
No wonder people come home so socially awkward after two years of this ha-ha.
Today I have 5 months on my mission! Crazy! Time is going by super fast, but then again the fact that I am slowly forgetting music, pop culture and English makes me feel like I have been gone forever.
Basically all is well. Life is good. I'm happy. I think sometimes it surprises me how happy I am. I don't know if that is terrible to think, but really a mission isn't the easiest thing. People slam doors in your face, investigators break your heart, its hot, and the food makes me sick. But I really haven't been this type of happy in my entire life. It's an odd type of happy. Every day you know why you are here, you have purpose, not only do you have a purpose but you have the greatest purpose ever which is bringing people closer to Christ. Heavenly Fathers purpose is to bring immortality and eternal life to all of his children, and when you are a missionary you spend all day every day doing that and when you really get to see people progress it just makes you happy.
So that's about it for my life. I didn't take any fun pictures this week but today for Pday we are making Pancakes as a zone. (A couple of the Elders heard about my grill and were envious ha-ha) So I am sure there will be some fun pictures for next week.
I love you all! Can't wait to get your letters cuz I know all those friends and family members who I haven't heard from yet are just writing super long letters ha-ha.
Love you! Hermana Sadie Taggart
March 30, 2012
March 25, 2012
Wednesday we had a conference with three of the zones. I got to see Hermana Bailey from Ephrim Utah and Hermana Anderson from Colorado. It's always fun when you get to visit with the other Hermanas |
March 19, 2012
Hola Familia y Amigos! Que Tal?
So this week I have some stories.
First of all last P Day I got the opportunity to experience what it's like to be sick in a foreign country. . . .ha-ha. . . .So last P Day one of the Hermanas wanted to eat "real Peruvian food". She's from a providence and she insisted that the food in Lima isn't real. . .so we went to eat at some restaurant that has the type of food that they eat in the mountains here. . . . I don't remember what it was called but we ate this plate that had fried bananas, pork skins, onions, mystery meat and then some kind of chilly sauce. . . so I ate it. . . it was weird but nothing that I couldn't down. 30 minutes later we were in our apartment with the Hermanas just chilling and BAM I got hit by the biggest wave of nausea and stomach pains. I have had stomach pain since I have been here but this was just ridiculous. So Hermana Roldan from Peru says that she knows something that will take away my nausea. . . she takes my hair out of my pony tail, and I am just helplessly curled up in a ball not knowing what is going on, and she takes a chunk of my hair and pulls on it as hard and she can. . . yeah. . . not sure how that was suppose to help me ha-ha. Pretty sure all it did was made me want to say bad words. She did it like 5 times, pulling on my hair as hard as she could. . . Yeah . .. . And then a member in our ward calls us to see what we are going for P Day (sometimes the members will come play volleyball with us on P Day). Hermana Lema tells her we aren't going to leave the apartment because I'm sick. . . .well about ten minutes later we hear someone yelling to our window HERMANAS. Its Dayne from our ward, and she has some kind of medicine to make me feel better. . . all I could think was oh great what now ha-ha. The last thing I wanted when I felt nauseated was to drink something else that would make me feel nauseated. . . but I drank it cuz I am a push over and I can't say no to anyone. . . She was so funny when she came in, she asked what I ate and when my companion told her she gasped and looks at here and says "What are you trying to do, kill the gringo!" Or "what are you trying to do kill the white girl"
All and all the hair pulling and gross drinks did me no good. Thankfully I was only sick till I got the food out of my system and then I was fine. . . . But I learned my lesson. No more "real Peruvian food" for me.
The rest of the week was good, This Saturday was Sheylas baptism. It was a really beautiful experience, her brother Carlos came and watched and afterwards he was asking a lot of questions. He always asks lots of questions but normally he wants to know if God created aliens and random off topic things like that. But after her baptism he asked really sincere questions. He wants to start receiving the lessons. Which is exciting. It's fun to be here to see how little by little the lord is working with this family.
I find out this afternoon if I get another 6 weeks here in Antares with Hermana Lema or if I am getting transferred or getting a new companion. . . I'm am so nervous! I will let you all know what happens next week.
Basically that was my week. Things are going good here. We are just trying to do all we can to help reactivate our ward and bring people the gospel. I'm happy, healthy, and feeling good about life. I'm really thankful for all the support I have at home!
I love you all! Till next week!
Hermana Sadie Taggart
So this week I have some stories.
First of all last P Day I got the opportunity to experience what it's like to be sick in a foreign country. . . .ha-ha. . . .So last P Day one of the Hermanas wanted to eat "real Peruvian food". She's from a providence and she insisted that the food in Lima isn't real. . .so we went to eat at some restaurant that has the type of food that they eat in the mountains here. . . . I don't remember what it was called but we ate this plate that had fried bananas, pork skins, onions, mystery meat and then some kind of chilly sauce. . . so I ate it. . . it was weird but nothing that I couldn't down. 30 minutes later we were in our apartment with the Hermanas just chilling and BAM I got hit by the biggest wave of nausea and stomach pains. I have had stomach pain since I have been here but this was just ridiculous. So Hermana Roldan from Peru says that she knows something that will take away my nausea. . . she takes my hair out of my pony tail, and I am just helplessly curled up in a ball not knowing what is going on, and she takes a chunk of my hair and pulls on it as hard and she can. . . yeah. . . not sure how that was suppose to help me ha-ha. Pretty sure all it did was made me want to say bad words. She did it like 5 times, pulling on my hair as hard as she could. . . Yeah . .. . And then a member in our ward calls us to see what we are going for P Day (sometimes the members will come play volleyball with us on P Day). Hermana Lema tells her we aren't going to leave the apartment because I'm sick. . . .well about ten minutes later we hear someone yelling to our window HERMANAS. Its Dayne from our ward, and she has some kind of medicine to make me feel better. . . all I could think was oh great what now ha-ha. The last thing I wanted when I felt nauseated was to drink something else that would make me feel nauseated. . . but I drank it cuz I am a push over and I can't say no to anyone. . . She was so funny when she came in, she asked what I ate and when my companion told her she gasped and looks at here and says "What are you trying to do, kill the gringo!" Or "what are you trying to do kill the white girl"
All and all the hair pulling and gross drinks did me no good. Thankfully I was only sick till I got the food out of my system and then I was fine. . . . But I learned my lesson. No more "real Peruvian food" for me.
The rest of the week was good, This Saturday was Sheylas baptism. It was a really beautiful experience, her brother Carlos came and watched and afterwards he was asking a lot of questions. He always asks lots of questions but normally he wants to know if God created aliens and random off topic things like that. But after her baptism he asked really sincere questions. He wants to start receiving the lessons. Which is exciting. It's fun to be here to see how little by little the lord is working with this family.
I find out this afternoon if I get another 6 weeks here in Antares with Hermana Lema or if I am getting transferred or getting a new companion. . . I'm am so nervous! I will let you all know what happens next week.
Basically that was my week. Things are going good here. We are just trying to do all we can to help reactivate our ward and bring people the gospel. I'm happy, healthy, and feeling good about life. I'm really thankful for all the support I have at home!
I love you all! Till next week!
Hermana Sadie Taggart
March 15, 2012
So anyone who knows me knows how I am when I have a craving for something specific. I do anything possible to get what I am craving. I've been known to call people at all hours of the night to go to Denny's with me because I was craving pancakes. . . well for about two months now I have been craving pancakes! Every morning we would eat our rolls that our Pensionista gives us and my heart would break a little because all I wanted . . . was pancakes. So. . . . I did something a little drastic . . . and with my personal money . . . I bought a little grill so that we could make our own breakfast instead of eating rolls like we have been for the past two months! And you know what I made! PANCAKES!!
I have never really liked cooking but it has been a blast to have this little personal grill, every morning we make something different for breakfast! It's basically been the most exciting part of my whole week ha-ha. PANCAKES!!!
I have never really liked cooking but it has been a blast to have this little personal grill, every morning we make something different for breakfast! It's basically been the most exciting part of my whole week ha-ha. PANCAKES!!!
March 12, 2012
Hola Famila y Amigos,
So this week. . . I started this week PUMPED. I basically was ready to baptize all of Antares! . . . Yeah and then the week took a nose dive ha-ha. Just the normal ups and downs of a mission. Investigators who are making progress, stop progressing, lessons fall though, the normal. By Saturday I felt like this week had spiritually sucker punched me. But Saturday and Sunday really lifted my spirits.
I told you all about Sheyla right? The daughter of Zoryda . . . In case I didn't when we first meet Sheyla she didn't want anything to do with us, but little by little she would talk to us but she was always very clear that she did not believe in God. After her Mothers baptism she noticed a change in her mom. Her mom was more patience more understand and just had a whole new spirit about her. Because of the change she saw in her mom she asked if we would start teaching her the lessons.
On Saturday we had a lesson with her. We started by following up on our commitments for the last lesson and asked if she had been saying her prayers every night, and guess what!! She has been. She told us she feels a comfort when she prays that she has never felt before. We taught her about the role of the Holy Ghost in our lives and she told us she knows that its true because she can see how baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost has changed her mom. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted! WHOOT!! Her fecha is for the 24th of this month. Cambios are on the 20th. . . I hope and pray Hermana Lema and I are both her for her baptism. Zorydas family is really special to us and we have come so far with them. It would be really sad not to be here to see Sheyla take such an important step in her life.
Sunday was even better then Saturday. We stopped by to check in on Sheyla and teach a short message and her and Zoryda were reading the scriptures and studying them together. I listened to Sheyla as she explained that she wanted to make sure that she really repented before her baptism, so her and her mom were studying about repentance! WOW!! Are you serious!! In this moment all the walking, the heat, the lessons that fell through, everything that sucked about this week, none of it mattered.
And that's just how a mission is. There are moments where you are so frustrated because all you can do is teach, hope and pray for your investigators but you can't make them do what you believe is right. And there are other moments where you teach, hope and pray for your investigators and they take your word for it and experiment on the words of Christ and they learn for themselves the happiness this gospel can bring. So all in all it was a good week.
Thanks again for your love and support! Seriously! It means the world to me.
I love you all! Till next week.
Hermana Sadie Taggart
So this week. . . I started this week PUMPED. I basically was ready to baptize all of Antares! . . . Yeah and then the week took a nose dive ha-ha. Just the normal ups and downs of a mission. Investigators who are making progress, stop progressing, lessons fall though, the normal. By Saturday I felt like this week had spiritually sucker punched me. But Saturday and Sunday really lifted my spirits.
I told you all about Sheyla right? The daughter of Zoryda . . . In case I didn't when we first meet Sheyla she didn't want anything to do with us, but little by little she would talk to us but she was always very clear that she did not believe in God. After her Mothers baptism she noticed a change in her mom. Her mom was more patience more understand and just had a whole new spirit about her. Because of the change she saw in her mom she asked if we would start teaching her the lessons.
On Saturday we had a lesson with her. We started by following up on our commitments for the last lesson and asked if she had been saying her prayers every night, and guess what!! She has been. She told us she feels a comfort when she prays that she has never felt before. We taught her about the role of the Holy Ghost in our lives and she told us she knows that its true because she can see how baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost has changed her mom. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted! WHOOT!! Her fecha is for the 24th of this month. Cambios are on the 20th. . . I hope and pray Hermana Lema and I are both her for her baptism. Zorydas family is really special to us and we have come so far with them. It would be really sad not to be here to see Sheyla take such an important step in her life.
Sunday was even better then Saturday. We stopped by to check in on Sheyla and teach a short message and her and Zoryda were reading the scriptures and studying them together. I listened to Sheyla as she explained that she wanted to make sure that she really repented before her baptism, so her and her mom were studying about repentance! WOW!! Are you serious!! In this moment all the walking, the heat, the lessons that fell through, everything that sucked about this week, none of it mattered.
And that's just how a mission is. There are moments where you are so frustrated because all you can do is teach, hope and pray for your investigators but you can't make them do what you believe is right. And there are other moments where you teach, hope and pray for your investigators and they take your word for it and experiment on the words of Christ and they learn for themselves the happiness this gospel can bring. So all in all it was a good week.
Thanks again for your love and support! Seriously! It means the world to me.
I love you all! Till next week.
Hermana Sadie Taggart
March 5, 2012
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Us with President Doris, He got a kick out of our vestidos that's for sure ha-ha |
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Washing my garments by hand! I'm hard core ha-ha |
March 5, 2012
Hola Familia y Amigos!
Life here in Peru is going great! I am learning a lot about faith. We are making progress with a lot of our investigators. Richard came to church this Sunday!! WHOOT!! My exciting news for this week is that Zorydas daughter has started taking the lessons! What a miracle. When we first met Shela she wouldn't leave her room if we were there. Her mom would say things like come listen to the Hermanas lesson and she just shout NO!! Then little by little we were able to get to know here. She was listening to Grease one day and her mom was asking her to turn it down and she wouldn't. I went back and talked to her a bit about the musical because I grew up with it. She was impressed that I knew all the words and we laughed talked a bit and then she turned down her music so we could teach her mom the lesson. Little by little she would come out of her room and listen to our lessons, but when we would teach her stuff she would throw in things like. Maybe your God loves you, but mine doesn't. It was always tu dios no mi dios. But after Zorydas baptism Shela noticed a change in her mom. She was more loving, had more patience and was over all a better person. Then on Friday we did service for their family and helped them move into their new apartment. The elders helped a TON!! Shela was really happy that we helped because if we hadn't it would have just been her and her brothers because her dad left . . .and yeah. . . anyhow after the service she told her mom she wanted to start taking the lessons because she thinks she wants to get baptized!
We started teaching her this week. She is wonderful. She asks questions that are real and sincere. Really it's amazing to see how little by little the Lord works with people and prepares them for the Gospel. I am so thankful for Zoryda and her example that she has set for her Hijos!
Cambios are coming up this month. I am really scared! Please pray that I get another six weeks with Hermana Lema. I love working with her, she is a hard worker, and I know that I might not get as lucky with my next companion, so I just pray that I get as much time with her as possible. Plus it would be terrible to leave Shela, Richard and Erika when we have come so far with them!
OK random fact about Peru. . . . apparently in this country. . . they don't flush their toilet paper!! GROSS!!! Seriously! I always wondered how our garbage can in the bathroom got full so fast. . . I just though Hermana Lema blew her nose a lot. . . . Yeah. . . now I understand why our bathroom always stinks ha-ha. Honestly I don't care how they do things here. Toilet paper goes in the toilet, hence the name toilet paper. I'll eat chicken hearts and wash my clothes by hand, but my toilet paper is going in the toilet and that's just how it's going to be.
I love you all! I'm really happy, doing great. I miss you all, that's really the only sad thing. But I know I am were I am supposed to be.
Love you all.
Hermana Sadie Taggart
Life here in Peru is going great! I am learning a lot about faith. We are making progress with a lot of our investigators. Richard came to church this Sunday!! WHOOT!! My exciting news for this week is that Zorydas daughter has started taking the lessons! What a miracle. When we first met Shela she wouldn't leave her room if we were there. Her mom would say things like come listen to the Hermanas lesson and she just shout NO!! Then little by little we were able to get to know here. She was listening to Grease one day and her mom was asking her to turn it down and she wouldn't. I went back and talked to her a bit about the musical because I grew up with it. She was impressed that I knew all the words and we laughed talked a bit and then she turned down her music so we could teach her mom the lesson. Little by little she would come out of her room and listen to our lessons, but when we would teach her stuff she would throw in things like. Maybe your God loves you, but mine doesn't. It was always tu dios no mi dios. But after Zorydas baptism Shela noticed a change in her mom. She was more loving, had more patience and was over all a better person. Then on Friday we did service for their family and helped them move into their new apartment. The elders helped a TON!! Shela was really happy that we helped because if we hadn't it would have just been her and her brothers because her dad left . . .and yeah. . . anyhow after the service she told her mom she wanted to start taking the lessons because she thinks she wants to get baptized!
We started teaching her this week. She is wonderful. She asks questions that are real and sincere. Really it's amazing to see how little by little the Lord works with people and prepares them for the Gospel. I am so thankful for Zoryda and her example that she has set for her Hijos!
Cambios are coming up this month. I am really scared! Please pray that I get another six weeks with Hermana Lema. I love working with her, she is a hard worker, and I know that I might not get as lucky with my next companion, so I just pray that I get as much time with her as possible. Plus it would be terrible to leave Shela, Richard and Erika when we have come so far with them!
OK random fact about Peru. . . . apparently in this country. . . they don't flush their toilet paper!! GROSS!!! Seriously! I always wondered how our garbage can in the bathroom got full so fast. . . I just though Hermana Lema blew her nose a lot. . . . Yeah. . . now I understand why our bathroom always stinks ha-ha. Honestly I don't care how they do things here. Toilet paper goes in the toilet, hence the name toilet paper. I'll eat chicken hearts and wash my clothes by hand, but my toilet paper is going in the toilet and that's just how it's going to be.
I love you all! I'm really happy, doing great. I miss you all, that's really the only sad thing. But I know I am were I am supposed to be.
Love you all.
Hermana Sadie Taggart
February 27, 2012
Dear Family and Friends,
This week was really good. Time is moving by so fast I don't even feel like I can really remember what happen because it's always gone in a flash. This week was Fernandos baptism. I don't think I have ever told you all Fernandos story, so here it is...
We meet Fernando when we started teaching Cynthia. He is one of her friends from work. He was with her one day when we were teaching a lesson so we invited him to join. He very forwardly told us he would listen but he DID NOT want to participate in any way. . . .ok . . . He listened to at least three different lessons. All of them commandments because we were preparing Cynthia for baptism. After about three lessons he started asking questions. He found everything very interesting, but he made it clear he didn't want any of the attention on him. In this time frame he started coming to church. We got him a gospel doctrine book as well as a book of Mormon. He surprised us one day by telling us that he read the entire Gospel Doctrine class book. What! At Cynthia's baptism he really opened up to us. After the baptism he told me. I feel something, something strange every time I'm in the church. It's like electricity. . .what is it? We talked to him about the Holy Ghost and he told us that he might want to start taking the missionary lessons, but he needed some time to think about it. So we patiently waited. Fernando has a strong personally and isn't the type of person you push. But then one day he came up to us and said, "I'm ready. I want to have the feeling I have in church with me always. What do I need to do.?"
From there things took off.
The most beautiful lesson was when we taught him about repentance. We taught him about the concept and then he looked at us, with the most humility that I have ever seen in someone and asked in the most sincere manner. Can I really be forgiven for what I've done. Fernando has been involved in some bad stuff in his life, and he wanted to know if it really was possible. We both bore testimony of the reality of repentance and Hermana Lema shared the story of Alma the Younger. After that Fernando looked at us and said, "I want to be baptized".
Really serving a mission is such a blessing. I feel blessed that this is what the lord wanted me to do. Getting to be here and seeing the change that Christ can make in people's lives is really wonderful. Getting to help in this process is such a blessing!
Fernandos baptism was this Saturday and it was wonderful. I'm amazed by how humble he is. His desire to live right and do whatever the Lord wants him to do really is an inspiration for me.
Hmmm.... what else happened this week. . . . We had a door step stand off with some missionaries from a different church. We were knocking doors and waiting for someone to answer and these missionaries from another church. Not sure who. Come up and knock on the same door. . . Uh ok. . . . So we left. Contention is of the devil and the last thing I wanted to do was to have someone open the door and have four people bible bashing.
Funny thing about Peru. Here in Peru they call disobedient children Chucky's. As in the red headed doll with the knife. Chucky . . . yeah ha-ha. It took me forever to realize that this wasn't a Spanish word. I love it. Mostly because with their accent it isn't Chucky its CH-YOU-KEYS ha-ha.
Speaking of Spanish. My Spanish is getting better. I gave a talk this Sunday and was able to speak for ten minutes and for the most part I made sense. I could tell because this little old lady on the front row would shake her head yes when she could understand and then shake her head no when she couldn't. I don't think she realized she was doing it. But it helped a lot.
I'm constantly praying for the Lord to help me with my Spanish, and there really are moments where I speak and I can feel the lord guide my words . . .Hermana Lema mentioned this one day, she asked why it was that sometimes in lessons I could speak clearly with good grammar and in other moments I couldn't. I just laughed and told her sometimes I speak with the spirit and other times I don't ha-ha.
I got a letter from Hermana Boyer this week. That was exciting. She says her mom reads my blog! Hi Momma Boyer. It was funny in her Letter she asked if I had found my identity yet. It really is interesting. When you take away someone's language you really do take away their identity. Luckily I feel like myself. I just don't really have a sense of humor. . .well I do its just different then my sense of humor in English. In Spanish I can't make witty comments so my comedy has become really slap stick, three stooges like ha-ha.
Anyhow. . .that's about all I can think of to write. I feel like my letters are just jumbled thoughts all thrown together.
I love you all! Miss you!
Love Hermana Sadie Taggart
This week was really good. Time is moving by so fast I don't even feel like I can really remember what happen because it's always gone in a flash. This week was Fernandos baptism. I don't think I have ever told you all Fernandos story, so here it is...
We meet Fernando when we started teaching Cynthia. He is one of her friends from work. He was with her one day when we were teaching a lesson so we invited him to join. He very forwardly told us he would listen but he DID NOT want to participate in any way. . . .ok . . . He listened to at least three different lessons. All of them commandments because we were preparing Cynthia for baptism. After about three lessons he started asking questions. He found everything very interesting, but he made it clear he didn't want any of the attention on him. In this time frame he started coming to church. We got him a gospel doctrine book as well as a book of Mormon. He surprised us one day by telling us that he read the entire Gospel Doctrine class book. What! At Cynthia's baptism he really opened up to us. After the baptism he told me. I feel something, something strange every time I'm in the church. It's like electricity. . .what is it? We talked to him about the Holy Ghost and he told us that he might want to start taking the missionary lessons, but he needed some time to think about it. So we patiently waited. Fernando has a strong personally and isn't the type of person you push. But then one day he came up to us and said, "I'm ready. I want to have the feeling I have in church with me always. What do I need to do.?"
From there things took off.
The most beautiful lesson was when we taught him about repentance. We taught him about the concept and then he looked at us, with the most humility that I have ever seen in someone and asked in the most sincere manner. Can I really be forgiven for what I've done. Fernando has been involved in some bad stuff in his life, and he wanted to know if it really was possible. We both bore testimony of the reality of repentance and Hermana Lema shared the story of Alma the Younger. After that Fernando looked at us and said, "I want to be baptized".
Really serving a mission is such a blessing. I feel blessed that this is what the lord wanted me to do. Getting to be here and seeing the change that Christ can make in people's lives is really wonderful. Getting to help in this process is such a blessing!
Fernandos baptism was this Saturday and it was wonderful. I'm amazed by how humble he is. His desire to live right and do whatever the Lord wants him to do really is an inspiration for me.
Hmmm.... what else happened this week. . . . We had a door step stand off with some missionaries from a different church. We were knocking doors and waiting for someone to answer and these missionaries from another church. Not sure who. Come up and knock on the same door. . . Uh ok. . . . So we left. Contention is of the devil and the last thing I wanted to do was to have someone open the door and have four people bible bashing.
Funny thing about Peru. Here in Peru they call disobedient children Chucky's. As in the red headed doll with the knife. Chucky . . . yeah ha-ha. It took me forever to realize that this wasn't a Spanish word. I love it. Mostly because with their accent it isn't Chucky its CH-YOU-KEYS ha-ha.
Speaking of Spanish. My Spanish is getting better. I gave a talk this Sunday and was able to speak for ten minutes and for the most part I made sense. I could tell because this little old lady on the front row would shake her head yes when she could understand and then shake her head no when she couldn't. I don't think she realized she was doing it. But it helped a lot.
I'm constantly praying for the Lord to help me with my Spanish, and there really are moments where I speak and I can feel the lord guide my words . . .Hermana Lema mentioned this one day, she asked why it was that sometimes in lessons I could speak clearly with good grammar and in other moments I couldn't. I just laughed and told her sometimes I speak with the spirit and other times I don't ha-ha.
I got a letter from Hermana Boyer this week. That was exciting. She says her mom reads my blog! Hi Momma Boyer. It was funny in her Letter she asked if I had found my identity yet. It really is interesting. When you take away someone's language you really do take away their identity. Luckily I feel like myself. I just don't really have a sense of humor. . .well I do its just different then my sense of humor in English. In Spanish I can't make witty comments so my comedy has become really slap stick, three stooges like ha-ha.
Anyhow. . .that's about all I can think of to write. I feel like my letters are just jumbled thoughts all thrown together.
I love you all! Miss you!
Love Hermana Sadie Taggart
Fernando's Baptism |
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